Eco Adventskalender 2016 Dezember 7

7th of December Eco Adventskalender.

Think about mobility and the means of transport you are using right now and about alternatives.

1. Can you walk more? (keeps you fit and in shape, too)
2. Can you use the bike? (also good for your fitness)
3. Can you use the MVV more often? (less stress, more time to read or relax)
4. Could you replace your own car by a membership in one of car sharing systems in Munich (e.g. Stattauto München CarSharing, DriveNow, BeeZero, …)?
5. If you really need a car, could you replace your current car by a much cleaner model, e.g. an electric car? An electric car does not cause any local exhaust gases in the city, and you can even choose to charge it with 100% energy from renewables which would then mean 100% mobility with zero emissions.

And here is an example of an electric ambulance. I’m sure one member in this group will really like this picture 😉
