Archiv für den Monat: April 2015

What if all devices ran on petrol?

You think it’s ridiculous to have such dirty devices around you? Sure! But why do we all silently accept that our inner cities are flooded with cars which pollute the air? Our air and the air of our kids and future generations.
Let’s go electric!

Sorry! – We destroyed our planet and your future …. or maybe we can still change the world?!

Yes, I think at some point our children and future generations will hate us for a couple of things we did – and for a lot of things we didn’t do.
Honestly, I do not want to just say „Sorry“ to my kids and grand-children in 20, 30 years. Let’s start to change things, think about our consumption, do not waste resources, talk about environmental issues with your family, friends, relatives, and colleagues.

Dear Future Generations, Sorry.

Posted by Prince Ea on Montag, 20. April 2015