Eco Adventskalender 2016 Dezember 2

December 2nd Eco Adventskalender:
Quick eco tip – because before Christmas our mail boxes are flooded with catalogues:
a) Check your mail box for unwanted catalogues
b) Send a nice email to the companies and ask them to please remove your address from their mailing list
c) If in doubt, ask the company to include you in their email database, so that they can still send you their offers via email, but without paper.

This will avoid a lot of costs for producing the paper, printing, and transporting the catalogues to you. Plus it save you and the environment of having to put the paper into the paper bin & the financial and ecological costs of recycling.

BTW: Instead of ordering via catalogue or online, it might be wiser to buy at local shops. I know it’s convenient to buy from Amazon and other pages, but imagine how Munich would look like without any bookstores, without shops? Unfortunately there are already some streets in Munich with empty shops, it’s much worse if you drive around in Germany and pass through smaller towns and villages.
And what about the staff? People need jobs, people with jobs pay taxes, and Munich needs our taxes to offer us the services we all like and want to have (schools, day-care, hospitals, MVV, and many more things).

PS: Did you know that usually you can call the book store around your corner and they’ll order most books within a couple of hours for you? Same like at pharmacies.
More about local shopping tomorrow…
