Archiv für den Monat: November 2020

Dilemma of our lifestyle and society

The dilemma of our lifestyle and our society …
If we don’t buy new items, our economy suffers…
Usually, revenues of all shops in Munich would be 2.3 billion EUR in November and December (420 million EUR of this via online purchases).
However, now due to the Coronavirus and the measures against it, it looks as if it’s 30-40% less in Bavaria, in Munich 30-50% less.
But not all shops are affected in the same way.
Some shops might have to close soon (I guess we all saw already permanently closed shops/restaurants in the past months).
Souvenir shops have suffered more due to the lack of tourists. (example in the article, that souvenir shop has lost almost 90%, and has currently only 10 – 15% of the income)
Music shop Hieber-Lindberg sees an increased demand for keyboards and pianos (due to homeoffices?). (Actually I also bought another digital piano during the lockdown and another accoustic guitar very recently for my kids. We picked up the guitar at the shop, but for the digital piano we did everything via phone and online and got it then delivered to our flat.)
So, if you need something, then think about purchasing it in the city or order it online at a company in Munich.
Revenue here will mean taxes paid here, jobs in Munich, and thus income for the city of Munich which can then be spent on infrastructure, hospitals, day-care, schools, museums, ….
„Handelsverbands-Sprecher Ohlmann beziffert den Corona-bedingten Umsatzverlust bayernweit auf „30 bis 40 Prozent“, und in München sogar auf „30 bis 50 Prozent“. Der Gesamtumsatz im November und Dezember in München belaufe sich auf 2,3 Milliarden Euro – 420 Millionen davon über Onlinekäufe.“