Eco Adventskalender 2016 Dezember 3

3rd of Dec: My „Eco Adventskalender“ suggestion for today:

Buy local!
– Less impact for the environment (less C02 emissions)
– You support your local economy (= better also for you, because the local companies pay their taxes here, too, and help to pay for e.g. public service, metro, day-care, schools, hospitals)
– Less packaging necessary
– Some re-usable systems only work on short distance (e.g. farmers often use reusable boxes).
– Often less food wasted (food can go bad during the transports)

Buy fresh stuff, try buy locally, and try to buy food which isn’t wrapped in single-use packaging. You could then bring your own baskets, bags, or boxes for eggs.

Some shops, like this one (at the Munich farmers‘ markets, Münchner Bauernmärte) will take back their jars for jam and honey as well as boxes for eggs. Zero waste! 🙂

In case you want to pass by the farmers‘ market: It’s e.g. in Munich at Türkenstrasse near Pinakothek der Moderne from Saturday morning until 1 pm. Josephsplatz on Tuesday. Check online
And don’t forget to bring your own bags, baskets, egg boxes … 😉

BTW: Talking about jars, you may also use jars to store e.g. herbs or vegetables for soups and other meals in jars in the refrigerator (just make sure not to fill the whole glass with liquid food which may expand and break the glass). Nice way to keep them fresh without having to buy them at a supermarket and/or without the need for plastic boxes.


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