Archiv für den Monat: November 2016

Each of us makes some difference every day

Powerful message and text from Dr Jane Goodall

„Post Election 2016: What’s Next?“
I agree 100% with her:
„[be] prepared to work even harder to do what is right for people, other animals and Planet Earth. And be prepared to stand up and speak out for our beliefs.“

„each of us makes some difference – every day. We all have a choice as to what sort of difference we make“

So: What difference do you want to make?


„Repair Friday“ instead of „Black Friday“

„Repair Friday“ instead of „Black Friday“.

Yesterday „Black Friday“ started in the US and people usually go shopping and spend a fortune on … new stuff, new clothes, new items.
In 2014, people in the US spent 50.9 billion US dollars on and around the Black Friday.
Suggestion for you: Instead of buying something new, repair something yourself or bring it to a repair service, e.g. an „Änderungsschneiderei“ or a „Schuhservice“.
This helps the environment and also your local economy.

PS: Picture shows my pair of pumps. My nice shoe repair service really did a good job this week. 🙂 BTW: It does pay out to buy higher quality clothes and shoes which last longer and can also be repaired.

Possibly intersting for non-Germans: For Germans, the „Schwarzer Freitag“ is nothing nice at all, but that word refers to the stockmarket collapse back on a Friday in October 1929 (which then also caused the global crisis and finally then led to the political changes and the second World War). In Europe, that day was a Friday, in the US, it was still Thursday.
Therefore: The US „Black Thursday“ is the German „Schwarzer Freitag“.


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Image may contain: shoes

Throwing away 1000 EUR each year

This week is the „European Week for Waste Reduction “ and the Bundesregierung Facebook page of the German government is asking for your ideas.

Just some food for thought:
– Every hour 320,000 single use coffee-to-go cups end up in the trash in Germany
– We produce 43 million tons of Restmüll in Germany each year
– Each household with 4 people throws away food for 935 EUR per year

What are your ideas to save our planet?


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